Bronco Invite Recap
Hello nighthawk families and fans,
Over the weekend our Nighthawks competed just down the road at Rancho Bernardo for the Don Jones Bronco Invitational. Find meet results here. You can view photo albums by Find Phil Grooms and Dennis McClanahan. Keep reading for more meet highlights and info for this weeks meets below.
Athletes of the Meet -
We want to take the time to highlight a couple of athletes who had spectacular performances at our Mira Mesa Dual meet.
Pole Vault -
Nicole Kaiser, (12) set back to back new PRs to take away the overall win in girls pole vault!
Distance -
Samhita Lagisetti (11) had a phenomenal day with a strong season debut in the 800 running 2:18. She then came back an hour later to anchor our girls DMR to a second place finish where she closed in a 5:22 mile.
Timothy Akinpelu (10) continued to show how much he’s progressed since last year. He led the boys 4x800 off with a 2:04 split which is a 3 second PR. He then doubled back in the DMR where he again PR’d by over a second in the 400 leg.
Our Next Meets
This week we have two meets. Our first home dual meet against Ramona on Thursday (more information here) and Falcon Relays at Torrey Pines on Saturday (more information here). Weekend invitationals are more competitive/higher level meets for our Varsity level athletes. We enter athletes and they must qualify/be accepted into the meet by the meet director. For this reason we bring a much more limited number of athletes to these meets.
Pictured, Bryn Blackburn (9) photo by Phil Grooms
House Keeping
I am asking for a $250 parent donation to help offset our team costs. As always Athlete's are not required to "pay to play", however, this $250 donation would help cover essential program costs. If you are able to donate you can do so in a variety of ways.
Via Venmo using @DNHSATHLETICFOUNDATION - Please put "Track & Field" and your athletes name in the comments
Via Sports Engine HERE
Via Check - Please make the check payable to the Del Norte Athletic Foundation and put track and field and your athletes name in the memo. Checks must be given to my parent liaison Jim Echsner.
Be sure you are following us on Instagram! We share meet photos, meet recap reels, live updates and more there. @DelNorte_xctf
Calling all DNHS T+F Alumni, fill out this form to be included on our alumni page!
Donate your used spikes to a Nighthawk in need!
If your athlete has spikes from last season that aren’t super torn up, they can use them again. If they are getting new spikes and don’t need their old ones, feel free to bring them to practice and we can share them with another nighthawk in need! Once your athlete gets their spikes, have them show their coach before wearing them at practice. We can help navigate each athletes needs.