CIF Division 1 Finals
We are excited to be hosting CIF Division 1 Finals this Saturday May 11th at our home track!
Parent volunteers are needed to run the snack bar, proceeds support our program. Sign up to follow
Time Schedule - Subject to change
*all info subject to change, please check bag regularly

First Day of Official Practice
The first day of practice is mandatory (Unless you are currently in season for another Del Norte Winter Sport)
Athletes who are not cleared on home campus will not be allowed to practice or compete.
For more information on athletic clearance, visit the DNHS Athletics page
If you are actively competing on a Del Norte winter sports team, please come to the first day of practice, just to get the information for the season. If you cannot attend this first practice, just come once your season is over (this will not negatively effect your ability to be on our team)
Arrive on time (or early) in athletic shoes, comfortable clothes for running with a full water bottle and layers as the temperature drops when the sun goes down.
The first week will be our evaluation week, we have various time trials and tests that everyone (especially first time track & field athletes) will participate in for our coaches to evaluate the events we feel you will be most successful and competitive in.
We are excited for the season to begin!
If you have any questions or concerns, email NighthawksTrack@gmail.com
Team Banquet
Save the date for our end of season team banquet! It will take place at Del Norte High School, all athletes and their friends/families are invited and encouraged to join us for an evening of celebrating our teams achievements over the 2024 season.
We will have be having a taco truck in the quad like last year. The athlete's meal will be covered by the program but we asking for a donation of $10 per additional person to help cover the cost of food and beverages. Please Venmo your donation to @Lindsay-Enyedi and include your athlete’s name in the memo. You can also send cash to Coach Jacobs at practice. Dinner will start at 6pm and after dinner we will head to the DNHS gym to recognize the athletes and present awards.
Dress code is dressy casual: summer dresses, button down shirts, no jeans.

Athletic Physical Night
Save the date for Athletic Physical Night! All Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors, get your athletic physical taken care of for all of your Del Norte sports seasons next school year, conveniently at Del Norte in the Gym.
Rather than struggling to get an appointment with your primary care physician you can get it all done at school, all of your paperwork will be in with the Athletic Department and all of the proceeds go towards support our Athletic Training room & it’s resources for our athletes!

CIF Division 1 Finals
We are excited to be hosting CIF Division 1 Finals this Saturday May 11th at our home track!
Parent volunteers are needed to run the snack bar, proceeds support our program. Sign up here
Performance list - including the final 3 alternates list
*all info subject to change, please check bag regularly

Presidents Week (No School)
There will be no school this week but we will still have practice everyday.
Practice is mandatory and athletes who miss practice will not be allowed to compete in our next meet.
Practice will be at our normal time 4:10pm-6pm unless otherwise noted by your event coach.
MANDATORY Parent Meeting
At least one parent or guardian must attend this parent meeting or your athlete will not be allowed to compete in any track meets.
This will be a brief meeting to go over team rules and expectations for the season, meet coaches, and get some questions answered.
Link to donate here!!!
All families/athletes who have a donation in before the end of the night on Thursday will be entered into a raffle to have their attendance for working frosh soph waived. This means one athlete and their family WILL NOT be required to work our Frosh Soph Invitational.
Meet at the Del Norte Staff Lounge starting at 6pm!
First Day of Official Practice
The first day of practice is mandatory
Athletes who are not cleared on home campus will not be allowed to practice or compete.
For more information on athletic clearance, visit the DNHS Athletics page
If you are actively competing on a Del Norte winter sports team come to the first day of practice, just to get the information for the season. If you cannot attend just come to practice once your season is over (this will not negatively effect your ability to be on our team)
Arrive on time (or early) in athletic shoes, comfortable clothes for running with a full water bottle and layers as the temperature drops when the sun goes down.
The first week will be our evaluation week, we have various time trials and tests that everyone (especially first time track & field athletes) will participate in for our coaches to evaluate the events we feel you will be most successful and competitive in.
We are excited for the season to begin!