In the Nighthawk Know

  • I am asking for a $250 parent donation to help offset our team costs.  As always Athlete's are not required to "pay to play", however, this $250 donation would help cover essential program costs.  If you are able to donate you can do so in a variety of ways.

    • Via Venmo using @DNHSATHLETICFOUNDATION - Please put "Track & Field" and your athletes name in the comments

    • Via Sports Engine HERE

    • Via Check - Please make the check payable to the Del Norte Athletic Foundation and put track and field and your athletes name in the memo.  Checks must be given to my parent liaison Jim Echsner.

  • Meets this week: Westview Dual Meet (More Info) Sundevil Invitational (More Info)

  • If you are going to miss practice you MUST complete the absence form 24 hours in advance. HERE

  • All athletes must print, sign, and return the team rules and expectations before their first race. HERE

  • All athletes who will be missing practice for club sports practice or games must fill out the Club Sport Contract found HERE

  • Catch up on the latest Nighthawk Newsletter!

  • SENIORS! Please fill out this form to get your senior bio up on the website.

  • Calling all DNHS T+F Alumni, fill out this form to be included on our alumni page!

  • Parents I will be sending out a weekly email (Sunday Night) with the same information that is on the website. If you are not receiving it and would like to, please fill out this form HERE

Photo by Arturo Vargas

Our Mission

As part of Del Norte High School’s Mission β€œTo make sure that each and every student at DNHS feels a sense of belonging when they are here at the Nest!” We hope that our Track & Field team can be that place for our student athletes.

Photo by Nick Echsner

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